About Sakkhi

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About Sakkhi

Sakkhi, a charitable and philonthropic organization stands for and works towards improving the employability for the transgenders community. The support can range from giving skill based training in any particular stream to providing them direct, hands on work exxperience in business organizations and establishments.

From the time of founding, entrepreneur Balaji Seshadri's goal has been to help the transgenders feel very much a significant part of the social fabric. He wants the occupation and the recognition that comes along with it to become a long term cure and solution for one of the many insidious ills afflicting the Transgenders community- poverty, unemployment, destitution. Ills- if unattended leads them down a destructive path in which they lose their social identity and self esteem.


Within a year of founding, Sakkhi has created big changes in many transgenders' lives, bringing in a new meaning and purpose. Thanks to Balaji's entrepreneurial experience, many corporates have come forward to develop job compatibility for trangenders by giving them roles and recruiting them in their own establishments- an act of reconciliation in itself. "It will reverse and remedy the damage and be inspirational for other transgenders," says Balaji.

In the effort of taking Sakkhi ahead, Balaji works towards incorporating an outlook that helps the students and the younger generation value and accept the Transgenders community. It will take continued effort to fully address the misconception and establish the legacy.

In a larger context, through Sakkhi Balaji is also leading the charge envisioning it to be the agent of change and support to all the hopeless and the helpless in the country.